BREEAM Thermal Imaging Survey

BREEAM Thermal Imaging Survey Checklist

APT Sound Testing has been carrying out professional BREEAM thermal imaging surveys to check for insulation continuity for over 10 years. We use the highest resolution thermal imaging camera equipment and all our surveyors are all certified level 2.

Thermographic surveys are now a feature of BREEAM – the world’s foremost environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings. BREEAM sets the standard for best practice in sustainable building design, construction and operation. BREEAM New Construction and BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment programs both recognise the benefit of a thermographic survey by awarding credits for a Level 2 certified thermographer carrying out a suitable thermal survey.

To undertake BRREAM Thermal Survey we will require the following items to be actioned:

1. We require a full set of elevations, roof and floor plan drawings prior to visiting site.
2. The building heating/AC systems must be turned on at least 12 hours before the inspection is to start in order to achieve a 10C differential between inside and outside the building.
3. All building surfaces being inspected to be dry & free of solar loading. No precipitation immediately prior to or during the survey, this may include mist and fog.
4. Any loose materials must be removed from the building envelope, e.g. timer sheeting stacked against the wall, roof etc.
5. No direct solar radiation on each face in the preceding hour. Sufficient time must elapse to allow heat previously built up from solar gain to be emitted from the building. The time for this to occur varies with the construction, but normally at least three hours is required. Problems with solar gain may limit the effectiveness of Infrared Thermography surveys during the summer months.
6. As we usually need to commence the survey approx. one hour before sunrise, to prevent solar loading, this may mean a start time of 4am so contractors should arrange that a responsible person is onsite at the prescribed time to meet our engineer to undertake the survey.
7. The site representative must be able to provide safe access to all areas to enable our engineer to undertake the survey.
8. All access must be provided by the contractor, i.e. if there is no safe access to the higher levels such as the roof etc. then the client must supply a cherry picker and an appropriately certified driver to operate the plant throughout the survey.
9. All internal doors to be propped open to ensure uniform internal temperature throughout the building envelope.
10. All external doors and windows on the building envelope to be closed tight to prevent heat loss.
11. Our engineer must be briefed by site competent person on site specific risks by site competent person.
12. The client must obtain and issue all relevant permits to work prior to any commencement of field work is so required.We hope this information has been helpful.

If you require a BREEAM Thermal survey our professional and certified Level 2 Thermographer’s will carry out your thermographic Inspections for BREEAM compliance in accordance with all necessary standards and current regulations.

All we need are a few details such as floor plans and elevation drawings and the building location to provide a quotation. We will also send across our informative checklist to help you prepare for the thermal survey.

Contact us today at 01525 303905 If you require a Thermal Imaging Survey in London or anywhere in the UK, and our professional and certified Level 2 Thermographer’s will carry out your thermographic Inspections for BREEAM compliance in accordance with all necessary standards and current regulations.